2012 was the 200th anniversary of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm's Kinder- und Hausmärchen. Join us for a wealth of innovative and creative ideas on how to effectively use some of the most popular tales in your German classes.
Presenter: Mohamed Esa is a German professor and Coordinator of the German section at McDaniel College in Westminster, MD, where he teaches language, literature and culture courses in German and in English. Over the past years he has taught many seminars and workshops for German teachers in the USA, Canada, Germany and Sweden on a wide range of topics. His special areas of expertise are the effective use of music, fairy tales, proverbs and figures of speech as well as technology in German instruction. For his many efforts in the field of teaching the German language and German culture in the USA he has received numerous awards, including the 2007 "Teacher of the Year” at McDaniel College and, in 2009, a Bundesverdienstkreuz awarded by the Federal Republic of Germany and the AATG "Outstanding Educator Award.”