Teaching STEM with a FL-A-CH Focus: Swiss Photography and Austrian Salt
In this webinar participants will gain an overview of two STEAM inspired units that focus on the FLACH countries. In her mini-unit on contemporary Swiss photography Melanie Mello will showcase how German, Physics, and Art can be combined in a curiosity sparking, creative learning experience in which students learn about the mechanics of the camera obscura. In her mini-unit on salt, Cindi Hodgdon will show how chemistry, biology, history, and German can create interest in science in German, the Salzburg region in Austria, and ice cream.
Melanie Mello teaches German at Chandler High School in Chandler, Arizona. She has taught German for over eleven years at the K-16 level in the USA and in Germany. Besides being passionate about promoting and advocating for the teaching and learning of the German language and cultures, she shares a true passion for creating teaching materials for the STEM enhanced classroom. She is president of the Arizona Language Association and the Arizona Chapter of AATG. Past chair of the FLACH Committee, she is a coach in the Goethe-Institut German Teacher Coaching Program. Melanie is the 2019 SWCOLT Teacher of the Year.
Cindi Hodgdon teaches German at ConVal Regional High School, a PASCH school in Peterborough, New Hampshire. She organizes a student exchange with a Gymnasium in Salzburg and is increasing the amount of time she spends on STEM in her classroom. She is president of the Northern New England Chapter of AATG, board member of the New Hampshire World Language Association, and is currently working on bringing the Seal of Biliteracy to the state of NH. A past member of the AATG Board, Cindi was honored as NH World Language Teacher of the Year in 2017.