What "cool tools' are out there to get students excited about German and keep them past the elementary level? How can you use technology at the earliest stages of German class if the students don't know any German? How do I use images to teach language and culture? This Webinar will explore several methods of effectively using technology for the beginning levels of German instruction. This Webinar is suited for all German instructors (elementary, middle, high school and university level). Participants should feel comfortable using technology, but no specific knowledge base is required to participate.
Presenter: Michael Shaughnessy is AATG's Executive Director and former associate professor of German at Washington and Jefferson in Washington, PA. In addition to German language, literature, and culture, he has a professional interest in educational technology. He has published a CD-ROM for introductory German, does educational and commercial consulting, and has given lectures on the subject of educational technology and humanities computing. His Culturally Authentic Pictorial Lexicon (CAPL) provides free access to high quality authentic images to the language learning community worldwide.
Presenter: Michael Shaughnessy is AATG's Executive Director and former associate professor of German at Washington and Jefferson in Washington, PA. In addition to German language, literature, and culture, he has a professional interest in educational technology. He has published a CD-ROM for introductory German, does educational and commercial consulting, and has given lectures on the subject of educational technology and humanities computing. His Culturally Authentic Pictorial Lexicon (CAPL) provides free access to high quality authentic images to the language learning community worldwide.