Klein aber fein: Wirtschaftsstandort Liechtenstein – Astrid Weigert
Have your students ever heard of the Principality of Liechtenstein? The small country makes for an excellent case study in a business-related unit or course. We will take a look at an official promotional video on Wirtschaftsstandort Liechtenstein and ways in which our students can engage with this audio-visual material in terms of content and language on various instructional levels.
100% aus Österreich: Kultur & Marketing in Werbespots – Julia Ruck
How are forms of cultural identification used as a marketing strategy in commercials? Video commercials are a prime resource to explore how cultural identities are constructed through language, images, and sound. In this webinar you will get to know video commercials as well as approaches on how to teach language and culture on various instructional levels through a focus on Austrian businesses and their marketing strategies.
Astrid Weigert is Teaching Professor at Georgetown University and has 20 years of experience in teaching courses on business culture in the German-speaking world. From 2014 to 2018 she chaired the AATG committee on German for Professional Purposes and is currently a member of the FLACH committee. She is a regular attendee and presenter at the annual AATG conference.
Julia Ruck is Assistant Professor of Second Language Studies at Webster Vienna Private University where she coordinates the German language program. She has taught German in Austria, the United States, Uruguay, Brazil, and Russia. She serves as a member of the DACHL-Gremium of the IDV and regularly holds workshops and seminars for the Austrian Ministry of Education, Research and Science.