LingoTech Deutsch

LingoTech Deutsch

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Another Uwe Kind creation! This CD has ten songs, five brand new ones and five remixes of the past LingoTech favorites. The songs are –

  • Klick mich an” (imperative, conjunctions, verb conjugations, etc.), –
  • Du bist eine Nummer” (Jugendsprache and Redewendungen, etc.), –
  • Ich hab dich!” (imperatives, conjunctions, verb conjugations, etc.), –
  • Wackel mit dem Po!” (imperatives, dative prepositions, adverbs, etc.), –
  • Wolfi ist ein Witzbold!” (verb conjugations, possessive pronouns, prepositions, etc.), –Es war ja so schön” (past tense, modals, infinitives, etc.), –
  • Rico Chico (Aus Puerto Rico)” (all of the above and more!), –
  • Halt mich! Küss mich!” (adjectives, Jugendsprache, direct objects etc.), –
  • Siggy sagt” (adverbs, imperatives, verb conjugations passives, past tense, and more),
  • and the old favorite –Ich bin cool!” (adjectives, questions, verb conjugations).

Lehrerhandreichungen included. 

Digital download. The file will be available to download after checkout.