When German language teachers join forces with STEM educators, they can (a) motivate students more effectively to pursue the study of German by making it more relevant and meaningful to other disciplines, (b) provide additional opportunities for students' professional growth and personal fulfillment, and (c) increase the usefulness of German language study, and thus not only sustain but grow German programs for the long-term. During this webinar we want to show that the teaching of STEM has a place in the German classroom not only at the college but also at the high school level and provide the participants with a teaching unit with practical learner-centered activities.
Katharina Barbe is Associate Professor and Chair of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Northern Illinois University. She is recipient of the AATG Certificate of Merit in 2013 and has served as president of the Northern Illinois chapter. Katharina has published two books and numerous articles in a variety of journals. As a long-term member of the Goethe-Institut Trainernetzwerk, she is a frequent conference and workshop presenter.
Siggi Piwek has been a teacher at the Milwaukee German Immersion School for over 15 years. He is a member of the Trainernetzwerk, an officer of the Wisconsin AATG chapter, and annually presents at state and regional conferences as well as at ACTFL.
Katharina Barbe is Associate Professor and Chair of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Northern Illinois University. She is recipient of the AATG Certificate of Merit in 2013 and has served as president of the Northern Illinois chapter. Katharina has published two books and numerous articles in a variety of journals. As a long-term member of the Goethe-Institut Trainernetzwerk, she is a frequent conference and workshop presenter.
Siggi Piwek has been a teacher at the Milwaukee German Immersion School for over 15 years. He is a member of the Trainernetzwerk, an officer of the Wisconsin AATG chapter, and annually presents at state and regional conferences as well as at ACTFL.